Welcome to 2021

Well after a year to forget in 2020 for all of us, particularly our friends and colleagues in Victoria who really had to do it tough. Here's hoping 2021 is much better - although the start has been inauspicious to put it politely!! We wish everyone good luck and good health in the coming year.
Finally the vaccine is here, and that surely will help us all to get some order back into our lives and the world. In a country of migrants - Australians not being able to travel home to see their relatives is not easy, some of their families are in much worse circumstances than we are, through a savage winter, floods, freezing cold snaps and never ending lock downs. Apart from rebuilding the shattered economy, being able to freely move around the world without fear is the last big hurdle we have to overcome in coming months/years. It's a very important factor in our happiness and well being.
We have used the downtime over the past 6 months to do some important work in Living Clay in readiness for 2021 - the visible one being to build this new website, a bigger than expected job and one which at times I wish we had not started!! but the outcome has made it all worthwhile and has we hope provided you all with a much improved online shopping experience . We did a soft launch about 6 weeks ago and whilst there are still a few tweaks to make, it is 90% there. We will keep you informed on final additions as we make them. I hope you enjoy the improvements in both the look and feel of the site and some of the new functionality that is built into it including additional, more specific stock photography, access to some additional payment options, including Afterpay, and a new special gift section, plus some improved navigation options such as selecting the price range you wish to work within. Behind the scenes we have also built an improved inventory management system that will help us to manage our stock more efficiently to avoid errors and disappointments.
But now its onwards and upwards - our big news (and decision) is that we intend now to coordinate the 2021 Claymakers Expo. Now planned again for Saturday and Sunday 29/30 May.
We tried twice last year to do this but Covid 19 won on both occasions, we just hope this time that it is under control and we will be able to run a modified, Covid safe event. Sydney really needs one. Just watch this space for more details - we have put a special new section onto the website called Claymakers which will run commentary on the event throughout this year.
We look forward to hearing from you with ideas and suggestions or seeing you at the markets we attend this year.
Bi for now
Carole Whitmore
Blog 1/21
- Carole Whitmore